Ind As 34
As 34- Interim Financial Statement
Presentation of item in
financial statement is described in three different Ind AS standards, Known as:
Ind As 1 (As-1):
Presentation of general purpose Financial statement
Ind As 34 (AS 25): Interim
Financial statement
Ind As 7 (AS 3): Cash Flow
Here we will discuss about
the Ind As 34 which is mostly similar to AS 25 which describes about Interim
Financial Statement.
Meaning of Interim Report:
Interim report is the
reporting of the financial Information for less than 12 months.
Important Note: First
account may be of less than 12 months but can’t be classified as interim
According to Ind As- 34
Interim Financial statements includes:
1. Balance
2. Profit
and loss account
Comprehensive Income
comprehensive Income
3. Cash
flow statement
4. Statement
of changes in equity
5. Notes
to account
financial reporting can be reported in two forms:
· Complete
set: Interim financial reporting same as annual financial statement
· Condensed
Set: Summarized Balance sheet, P&L account , cash flow account , statement
of changes in equity
· Summarized
notes to account
Note: In general company
follows condensed set because of time saving and cost saving.
It means all the line
items and sub line items in the balance sheet, P&L account, Cash flow
statement and the complete statement of changes in equity will be reported.
Only the notes part will be presented in summarized form.
A summarized note contains:
A) Accounting
· A
description that accounting policy followed is same as followed in previous
annual financial statement.
· If
any policy is changed than description of such change and impact on financial
statement shall be disclosed.
B) Seasonal
· Seasonal
variation in product must be disclosed.
C) Disclosure
of following item:
· Profit
or loss on disposal of fixed asset and long term investments.
· Settlement
of court assets
· Valuation
of inventory at NRV
· Restructuring
of activities
· Other
reversal of provisions
D) Impairment
of assets and revenues of impairment except goodwill:
· Under
AS 25 reversal of impairment of goodwill shall also be disclosed
E) Contingent
asset and contingent liability must be disclosed
F) Disclosure
of payment of dividend, changes in capital structure (issue and buyback/repayment
of ESC, PSC, debt, loan)
G) Amalgamation
or other reconstruction business combination must be disclosed.
H) Other
required disclosure
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