Most Commonly Used Excel Functions
Here, I have mentioned some of the Excel functions which are commonly used in the organizations and in our day to day work.
1.SUM: To get the total of a group of cells.
1.SUM: To get the total of a group of cells.
2. SUM IF: To get the totals with some criteria or condition (Ex- from a given list of products and their sales volume you want the total of one specific product)
3.SUM IFS: To get the totals with more than one criteria. (Ex-In the previous example let add one more criterion, we want to check the sales of a particular product in particular month.)
4. SUM PRODUCT: To get the sum by multiplying two or more sets of arrays.
5. IF ERROR: To show the alternate results in case of formula error. Generally clubbed with some other formula to show the alternate results.
6. V lookup: To find the data in the large datasheet by using one unique field. This is the most commonly used excel function. (Ex-Suppose in one sheet we have Material code and quantity and other sheets their cost, here material code is the unique field)
7.Index: To get the value at a given position in a specific range. Index function mostly used to Match function where the match function used to find the location.
8.Index Match: In Index function, we have to give the row number and column number. Using a match we can give the criteria to get the value.
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